Please post your first response (which should include one researched topic from Touching Spirit Bear) beneath my Friday, June 15, 2007 AT 1:03 PM post entitled Welcome to 2007 Summer Reading for Mrs. Vigue's Honors English 11 . I've heard from many of you (9 or 10 of you), but don't forget that I've also asked you to email me at to let me know what your blogger name is combined with the requested information about yourself. Please use that opportunity to tell me a little about you, your interests AND about the sorts of things you like to read and write. It would be a nice time to ask me any questions you might have for me, and you could also tell me if you already know an American author you might like to spend your 11th grade year researching.
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I decided to research what a residential treatment center is since Cole referenced to this center a few times and I did not know what it was.
A residential treatment center is an out of home placement where a child can recieve help for different issues that have occurred in the child's life. These children usually have issues within their life having to deal with family, school and peers. A residential treatment center is not a psychiatric hospital due to the fact that these children are not severely disturbed. However residential treatment is not a short term solution to the problem. The average child stays in the facility for 18 months to two years.
The staff of residential treatment centers is a very well rounded staff. There are always several licensed doctors on staff.
Even though residential treatment centers are very successful, they are very costly. A center will begin in price at $4,300 per month and go up as high as $8,000 per month.
I also researched what a detention center was.
A detention center is a prison for minors which protects the public from delinquent acts of minors by giving those minors secure detention and temporary care with intent to turn them into functioning adults in society.
Some children may be held in these centers temporarily when a parent or guardian dies or if the child is being abused by their parents or guardians. This is not a punishment for the child but helps show the child that there is help if they need it, and to show the child that they care. These children are kept away from juvenile delinquents and placed into permanent care as soon as possible.
Works Cited:
Adamec, Christine, and William Ph.d. Pierce. "Residential Treatment Centers." Adoption Encyclopedia. 2000. 28 June 2007
"Reformatory." Wikipedia. 10 June 2007. 28 June 2007
"Residential Treatment Centers." 2004. 28 June 2007
"Youth Detention Center." 25 Apr. 2007. 28 June 2007
Lindsey -
I thought your post was very imformative, especially in the fact that I always imagined a detention center as being a jail, seeming how Cole even references it to being quite similar to one.
My only question would be the differences between residential treatment centers and detention centers, which seems that the first is more therapy-based.
Cole Matthews is a troubled young man. He has experienced many encounters with the law. His previous encounter has Cole pleaing for Circle Justice, anything to stay out of jail.
Circle Justice is an Indian cutom in an effort to break the cycle of crime. Volunteers help sentence offenders and then help them lead better lives. The program begins with an offender pleading guilty and agreeing to accept a community-imposed sentence. With a prayerful appeal to seek the common good, the offernder, victums, supporters, and interested community members meet in a circle to discuss the crimes impact. Once they choose a sentece, circle members stay involved with the offernder to make sure their plans are carried out.
Cole's plan was to fool Circle Justice. Tell the counselers what they wanted to hear. Anything to get accepted and stay out of jail. Cole is set on not taking this seriously. Will Circle Justce have an effect on Cole or will he skid by uneffected and unchanged.
Olsen, Fred H. "Circle Justice." 29 June 2007
Lindsey and Anna. Please repost your answers to the appropriate blog posting, and please comment on your peers' posts there, as well. I need the introductory information from you, Anna, as well. Please email me with that info. Thanks.
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